Full-time mom of two and freelance writer, photographer, blogger Leigh lives in SE London and loves to spend time with her girls and her wonderful husband. She loves being a contributing writer and photographer for a few of her favourite magazines such as Mollie Makes and also loves to bake and sew (or try to!), and good flea market will always get her heart racing!
I admire different people for different reasons, but in general, I most admire people who persevere in their creative or entrepreneurial pursuits in the face of fear or boredom. Having a passion for something is easy, building a business from that passion–and sustaining it–is something else completely.
My mom, sister and I sometimes make our own wrapping paper by painting on plain brown or white craft paper, a tradition started by my grandma who would paint on all our Christmas presents each year. One year for my birthday my mom painted my childhood house on my gift. The painting is framed in my bedroom now. If there was a fire, I would grab my children and that picture!
A perfect weekend day would start with a morning out at a local market, like the little one we have here in East Dulwich on Saturdays or the Sunday market in Herne Hill. Then maybe some playground time outdoors for our girls. Then we’d head home and I would busy myself around the house getting things done while my husband cooks something delicious. Then I might bake something and attempt to squeeze in some crafting or reading. After dinner, we’d cozy up for a movie and go to bed early. I love to get a good night’s sleep, so the earlier the better, though my husband is likely to lure me into watching more shows or another movie!
I’m happiest at about 8:30 at night, after dinner, when the kitchen is clean, our daughters are asleep, and I get my PJs on, pour a glass of wine, and watch a show or movie with my husband or do some sewing or a little bit of reading. Ahh, grown up time! Of course I love my daughters to bits, but as a mostly full-time mom, I have a huge sense of relief when the day is coming to a close. We made it through another day, yay!
I would like to continue doing what I currently do and would be happy to do more freelance writing and photography for craft and interiors magazines and web sites. It’s truly a joy to write about craftspeople and their work, inspiring interiors, and wonderful places to visit. I look forward to doing more of it!